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What are some causes?


Water Pollution is man-made contaminants that reach the ocean includes pesticides, fertilizers, oil, gas, plastics, and other streams.

(National Geo)

  • Ocean Acidification - when we burn coal or gas the oceans absorb the carbon emissions and change the scale of the (pH).

  • Causes the organisms such as mussels, oysters, corals survival.

  • Noise Pollution- human made sounds can affect some large mammal in the sea to find their food.


What Effect on Human Health?

  • 1.8 billion deaths

  • Diseases- cholera, giardia, and typhoid.

  • Legionnaires disease (severe form of pneumonia)

  • Diseases from cancer to hormone distraction to brain malfunction from caused by the high lead in the water. (Flint, Michigan)

  • 2.5 million Americans have health issues with swimming.

  • Rashes, pink eyes, and other infections

How can we Reduce Pollution?

  • Reduce nutrient run-off from the farm operator

  • Reduce use of plastic 

  • To plant more trees

  • Water-efficient household appliances


(Ribaudo M, Earth eclipse)


Opposing Views

The fertilizers used for organic farming it is bearable for agriculture that they are using organic pesticides that can benefit the land and the water the chemicals in it by not using any other fertilizers. However, even organic farming is having the fertilizers can affect ecosystems in the water. Which can have the same result with using the regular fertilizers to farm.

(McGee, Alvarez)

Caring about Ecosystem

As we all know, most of the pollutions caused by trash in the oceans, mostly plastic substances and run-off from the fertilizers from the farmers. Humans must think about other organisms in the sea and oceans which makes the water purifies and important to the oceans. For us, all organisms are important to the ecosystem, in that one of the most important organism is oysters. Oysters filter the water in the ocean. The pollutants can destroy their survival then our oceans have less purification process.


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